Bio-Nobile Plant DNA purification solutions

Purify DNA from a comprehensive range of plant species with QuickPick Plant DNA reagents. High quality DNA can be extracted from different sample materials eg. leaf, seed or root.

DNA purified using QuickPick Plant DNA reagents typically show an approximate size of 20-30 kbp which is suitable for several downstream applications such as PCR, sequencing, RE digestion and cloning.
Read brochure here: purification of plant DNA
QuickPick™ kit instructions: SML plant DNA

List of products
Typical performance of the QuickPick™ Plant DNA kit:
See this table for more sample materials
Typical performance of the QuickPick™ Plant DNA kit, using barley as sample material:
Increasing the sample amount will lead to increasing yield.
Typical purity  = 1.8 (Ratio of absorbance at 260/280 nm corrected with absorbance at 320 nm)

Size of purified DNA = 30 kbp

Yields will depend on species, growth conditions, etc.

Increasing the sample amount will lead to increasing yield.

Leukocytes were suspended in 50-200 µl of PBS depending on sample amount